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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ways for me to boost my energy and mood

I am not liking Spring lately.
These cloudy, gloomy days are depressing.
Sleepy Days...

Here are some things I need to do.
So help me out here.......

Hang with Happy People

Just being near a positive person is enough to make you smile: Having a friend with a sunny disposition living within a mile of you increases the chances of your being happy by 25 percent.......Which one of you want to move closer to me? My next door neighbor plans to move soon. Help me catch the smiley vibe of my most cheerful friends.

Burst into Action

I can't just stand there waiting for the microwave to beep: So I Launch into a turbocharged set of jumping jacks. Run in place while I wait in line. Or I will put the phone on speaker when holding for customer service and I will get rejuvenated with some Yoga moves. Will I get stares at work?

Stop Stress

I will savor the zesty scent of an orange and feel instantly relaxed. According to a Japanese study, the citrus fruit contains linalool, a compound whose odor has been shown to lower stress. I will enjoy the love of my pets and the stress will melt away. Have you ever notice how your pets are always happy to see you.

Chill Out

For a natural energy drink, blend grape, acai, or pomegranate juice with crushed ice. And today my doctor suggested I add alcohol to my drink. Now doesn't that sound like fun!

Speak Your Mind

I will tell my children often how proud of them I am.

Next time a friend aces a race, don't just congratulate her. Tell her she's amazing, that you're impressed by her Wonder Woman powers, and that you're incredibly proud of her, and you'll feel quite awesome too. When you respond to someone else's good news in a super enthusiastic way, you spread that positive energy to yourself as well. Having a positive attitude can be addicting. But be sincere cuz I want to puke at those people that are always "nicey, nicey". They are the kind of people who say "oh isn't that sweet, he is so cute when he digs in his diaper and than paints your walls with his pooooo" Speak your mind and say, "put a onesy on that kiddo and don't let that cutie out of your sight"

Buy Yourself Flowers

I prefer bright color, artifical flowers.....they last longer :)

However I have been known to buy a bouquet or cut fresh flowers from my garden and bring them inside.

Do It Bright, Rev up the music

I am going to dress brighter and listen to motivating music. Does that sound hippie'ish?

Top It Off

Did you know sprinkling these spices on your food can give you a lift: Cinnamon can stabilize your blood sugar, leading to sustained energy; cumin may raise iron levels; and coriander can help calm by elevating levels of the nutrient magnesium, which gets depleted in times of stress. Hmmmm...does any one have a recipe with all 3 of these ingredients?

Give, Even Just a Little

Five dollars truly can buy you happiness. People told to spend that amount on a friend or as a charity donation reported feeling better at the end of the day than those told to use the money for themselves. Here is a great

oppurtunity that my neice has a passion for..........

Please consider a small donation ($5?) for this school.

At the website: - there is a widget to click and donate via paypal. Giving truly gives a smile to your heart.

Sip Smart with Green or Black Tea

Anyone that knows me, knows how I swear by the health benefits of my tea remedy. Skip the soda/pop and make it green or black tea.

Laugh a Lot

There is nothing like making a joke. It is so much more healthier to laugh it out than to stress out. Some driver cuts you off. Instead of remarking what a jerk he is and beginning a road rage, make a joke about his driving or his car. Make yourself laugh!

See the Light

The quickest get-happy solution: sunshine. Stepping out to enjoy it not only increases levels of vitamin D, which researchers believe helps fight depression, but also activates special receptors in your eyes that regulate your body clock and mood. But wear the sunglasses to prevent wrinkles from squinting and sunscreen for the other wrinkles.

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