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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Crickett's continued journey

Continued on .......

April 20, 2015
The weather was great this weekend to be outside. Crickett has to be careful of the sun because of the antibiotic he is on. But I think just getting outside gives him a positive outlook on things. Friday with a lot of help from a good neighbor and also a friend of ours he was able to get a load of dirt moved on to an area of our backyard. On Saturday he raked and smoothed out that area. And on Sunday he planted grass in that area. This would normally take him only a few hours but for now, it took him the whole weekend and he needed help. But he was outside doing the things he loves to do. So what if it took that much longer. How can you ask for more than that.
For awhile it seemed to him that he was taking big steps to improvement and now it has slowed down.  Lately he has not made any huge improvements and so he feels defeated and healing will take forever. But if he could look at himself a month ago and compare himself to today he could see that things are looking up.  I know he wants to get back to a "normal" life or the way it use to be.  I am beginning to realize that I should not get comfortable in my life because that is when it will all change.  Sometimes comfort can hold you back from something better.  It could rob us from our dependence on God and the strength it gives us.  I am guessing, God does not want me to get too comfortable in this world.  Why would he want us to get too settled in and be in a comfort zone.  Does life Begin at the end of a comfort zone?  I do not want this world to feel like my home.

In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.  Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

April 21, 2015
In physical therapy today the therapist told him that he looks for it to be at least 6 more weeks for him.  He explained to him that he has had a major surgery.  The cutting of the knee and scraping to clean it is very invasive and will take a long time for healing.  Crickett has been trying to walk some without his cane to help give him more strength but the therapist told him that is not a good idea.  He said since he is not strong enough to do this he is not walking correctly and so it is best to keep the cane at all times for now.
Last week our battle with the short term disability company began once again.  We were suppose to get some paper work into them by April 15.  I had called to ask which doctor they needed this information from but never got a phone call back.  I called his doctors and  and each one would refer me to the other.  Dr. Hussain's office told me there was a fee to have the form filled out.  And to top it off, it could take them 2 weeks to get it to the insurance company.  His paycheck again was about 1/3 of what it was suppose to be and he will not get anymore checks until the doctor gets the forms to them.  If it is not to the company by April 29th they close the case.  I really don't want to have to go through all of the headaches again with this company.  Why in a difficult time in someones life they have to make it that much more difficult.  Well Crickett called FedEx and they said we should hear from the insurance company by 4PM today and if we do not to call Janice at FedEx back.  Crickett had to call her to say no phone call from the insurance company.  About 30 minutes later he got the phone call.  He asked for me to talk with her (since I take care of it all).  Denise from Cigna told me that there was information from Dr. Upadhyay stating he will be finished with his care 2 weeks after his last appointment.  And I told her that I do not know why that is because he has an appointment with him on May 13 and Dr. Upadhyay had prescribe an oral antibiotic for 30 days.  What a mess.  I told her that even when Crickett is finished with the Infectious Disease doctor that he still has a knee that needs to be healed.  I told her that the physical therapist told Crickett at least 6 more weeks and she than told me that they could send her some information and the could use their information to see if he still qualifies to receive the insurance.  And than Crickett's phone went dead and hung up on her.  When I got it plugged in and tried calling her back the company was closed.  Struggle!

April 28, 2015
Want to hear about the week in my world?  Monday: 7AM go to work.  Get off work and go to the Y with Crickett in the later morning.  Afternoon Crickett wants to go to Y a second time.  Get groceries, cook dinner, mow lawn.  Clean up things in the house and than settle in for the night (9PM).  Tuesday:  6:30AM go to work. Run to pickup Crickett to take to the Y and than back to work. Pickup Crickett from Y and back to work.  Eat my lunch at my desk while I work.  3PM get off work pickup Crickett to take to PT.  Run an errand or 2. Pickup Crickett and get home to prepare for dinner.  Wash dishes, do some laundry, vacuum or dust a room or two.  Take care of things Crickett may need me to do and settle in for the night (9PM).  Wednesday: pretty much a repeat of Monday but add another Y time in the afternoon.  Thursday: Pretty much a repeat of Tuesday but this time I pick up Jax while Crickett is in PT and nothing gets done at my house because Jax keeps me busy.  Friday:  I work 7-4 and this last Friday for the first time in a long time Crickett is able to drive himself.  No longer is there a need for me to take him to the Y twice a day or take him to PT.  WOW, this gives us both so much freedom.
Crickett's knee still is swollen.  It still is much warmer than his right knee.  He is still walking with the cane.  I try to massage his knee in the evenings before we go to bed.  This seems to help him sleep, sometimes.  He continues to try and do things that need to get done around the house.  It just takes longer and/or he needs my help.
Today we start putting the kitchen together. Our neighbor stops by and what a nice guy helps me bring in the cabinets and helps Crickett stay positive during it all. On the plus side-We got a lot done. On the negative side-We don't have water in our kitchen. Please oh please Mr Plumber come tomorrow like you said you would!  
I called Dr Hussain's office about sending information to his short-term disability insurance company. Emily told me she sent the information to them on April 23. It states Crickett may return to work as early as May 19. That would be awesome if that happens but looking at today it is hard for me to believe it will be that soon. And it is not at all because he is not trying. He works hard daily trying to get his body back in shape. 
Please say a pray for Sally as she struggles with a wound on her finger that is painful and not healing. Pray that God will give her answers and comfort in the desicion that she makes. Pray for Kent that has found another spot on his lung. Pray for God's healing touch for both Sally and Kent. 

May 10, 2015
We have been reminded several times lately there are many of our friends and family that have struggles as well and we continue to pray for them. Crickett was able drive up to the Mayo Clinic this week with Randy to be support for Aunt Kathleen. She was diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia and she was going for another opinion.
They called themselves Team Kathleen. What a great group of people to be there for you. I was told that they made her laugh. Randy and Crickett can probably cheer up any one with their corny remarks and sense of humor. I was glad to hear that Crickett still had it in him.  And it was a good thing for Crickett to do after the news he had on Tuesday at his doctor appointment. Dr Hussain feels like he has done all that he can do for him. After looking further he decided a manipulation to his knee could possibly cause more harm than good. He wants Crickett to be seen by a specialist at the University of Iowa (Dr Callaghan). And in the mean time he will be fitted with a DynaSplint System. This splint is to help him regain his flexibility in his knee. Dr Hussain was not trying to be discouraging but he wanted to prepare Crickett. He said that he will probably need a knee replacement. And that freak Crickett out in fear of losing his job. And than Dr Hussain mentioned a possibility of having to be on disability. And my quick to react husband had went from tears to extreme disappointment. The physical assistant came in to say Hi. He tried to cheer up Crickett and told him that he understands Crickett's frustration. He is trying so hard and wanting to get back to work.  He told Crickett he has to be patient and that it could take a year or longer but that he is young and it will get better. Both doctor and PA have always been good with Crickett and I am very thankful for this. I try to give him time to think out things before I speak too much. Because even though I try to encourage or give words of wisdom they do not always come off as this to him in times like this. When the nurse came in to tell him about the DynaSplint, Crickett was rude saying things under his breathe. I tried to ignore it and asked the nurse questions. 
And so we wait. We wait to see if the DynaSplint will help him and we wait until May 21 to see Dr Callaghan. 
But since, Crickett's mood has improved. He has come to realize some things. I try my best to make his world happy (although sometimes he may not think that). We have family and friends that encourage him and pray for him and this makes a world of difference to us. At times like this I look at heaven and think why are people afraid of death?  I understand the feeling of not wanting to leave your loved ones but I do not understand the fear of dying. I believe in God and I believe in heaven and what better place to spend eternity. So when I die please do not be sad for me for I will be in my eternal happiness. I have told my kids many times that I want a party not a funeral. 
Have I gone off on all kinds of rabbit trails?  Sometimes that is how I think, LOL.

May 21, 2015
We are making residency at the University of Iowa for the day. Dr Callaghan recommended a knee replacement. He said that there is too much damage in his knee for him to get back to the condition he was before the infection.  The staph infection caused septic arthritis and his joints are bone on bone causing pain and will continue to get worse.  There are risks of course and he said that his left knee will never be like his right but that it will be better than what it is now.  He should not experience the pain after surgery like he is now.  He should get the bending back to more normal so that he can walk easier.  We are waiting for his next appointment and have stopped to visit our neighbor that is in the hospital here.   Please pray that things will work out and everything will run smoothly. Crickett is tired of fighting for what is rightfully his. He is frustrated with knowing that he will be down once again and dependent on me. The doctor said he normally tells people in 6 weeks they can go back to work but in Crickett's situation it could be 3-6 months. He just will not know until the time comes.   Day by Day...............

Septic arthritis

Septic arthritis is often caused by a staph infection. The bacteria often target the knees, but other joints can be affected, including your ankle, hip, wrist, elbow, shoulder or spine.

June 9, 2015

This has been a long journey.  Hopefully after tomorrow Crickett will be on his way to healing and a full recovery, back to his normal self.  Physically normal self.  I do not know how anyone can go through things like this and be the same person.  My wish and prayer for Crickett is that because of this suffering that he has become even a better person.  With even stronger relationships with family, friends and God.  I would like to see both of us appreciate things more than we have in the past.  His journey is not over.  Crickett will not be able to drive for 4 weeks.  That means he will once again keep me very busy driving him to therapy and doctor appointments.  At least this time there is only one doctor.  We will not know how bad his knee truly is until after surgery.  I pray that God will put his hands on Crickett and Dr. Callaghan.  For the surgery to go well and for speedy recovery.

God, You are Our refuge and strength.  You are here for us, always.  I come before you Lord and ask for grace for my husband.  Strengthen his heart, mind and soul for this battle and give him patience to wait on You.  Build him up so that no matter what happens he will be able to stand strong through it all.  Help him to rejoice in hope and strengthen his love.  Give him the endurance to run this race and not give up.  Give him strength  to redeem his soul from all negative emotions. And give him rest Lord.  Some peaceful nights that he desires.  May he be filled with the Fruit of the Spirit (hope, love, patience, joy, peace, faith).  And Lord help me to be strong enough to hold him up when he may fall in this.  Thank you Lord for putting people in our lives that have made trials like this, bearable.

Continued on .......

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